Recycling Modular Station


Modular Station EMRA

Swine slurry generation in intensive farms has become a serious environmental problem, with the correct management of slurry being one of the main future challenges for the pig sector worldwide.

This environmental problem has generated a whole range of regulations and standards at all levels of administration (local, regional, state and European) that determine the implementation of new farms and the potential growth of the sector in some rural areas.

At the same time, in public opinion and among consumers it generates the perception of a negative impact on the environment caused by the poor management of this waste, which impacts on the demand and consumption of pork products that are otherwise necessary in the short term worldwide.

EMRA is a recycling modular biotechnological platform that processes and transforms slurry into high added value products. It is a sustainable, replicable and transferable system for the control of emissions, erase of antibiotic resistance plasmid and removal of heavy metals from slurry. EMRA is based on circular and green economy principles, with special emphasis on agronomic valorisation, creating a new phytorremediator directly from the farm.

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