Project TRIVAC (EIC Accelerator)
Controlling Major Diseases in Swine through Effective Vaccination.
Step 1 of the EIC Accelerator program GO. Step 2 under submission.
Project EMRA (Phase II)
New technological solution for the treatment and valorisation of slurry (phase 2).
Patent P35259EP00: Recycling Modular Station (EMRA)
Project PEPDERMA (Phase I)
Development of artificial inclusion bodies for the controlled release of mimetic peptides.
Project PLAVAC
Design and optimization of a COLI platform for the rapid and universal production of autogenous APIs.
Project FEEDPIG (Phase I)
EMRA: Analysis of the nutritional potential of the circular system for the management and conversion of slurry.
Project BIORREME23 (Phase I)
Research and development of a novel organic amendment for the recovery of burned soils.